Circular economy

Conduct of research in green economy and growth opportunities (micro and macro capital assets) in Africa.

Capacity building

Provision of technical expertise to build the capacity of policymakers and critical stakeholders on green economy.

Green legislation

Promotion of green legislation that foster the emergence of robust governance and institutional arrangement.

Green transitions

Leverage green financing and technology to support transition of communities & private sector players to green growth & investments.

Knowledge Products

AGDF adopts a unique and pragmatic approach using priority areas to solving environmental problems through short/long-term improvement of the livelihood development options of local communities. The key priority sectors include: a) Governance and Policy Concerns b) Agriculture including aquaculture and livestock farming c) Forestry and Biodiversity d) Water resources management e) Tourism f) Renewable energy g) Waste management h) Manufacturing and i) Transport.

Our team

Francis Bisong

Elizabeth Essien

Odigha Odigha

Enoabasi Anwana

Jackson Akor

Taiwo Adediran

Chidera Bisong