Odigha Odigha

Sustainable development, low carbon economy & green growth

Odigha Odigha is a passionate advocate for sustainable development/low carbon economy/green growth. In 2003 he won the Goldman Environmental Prize for Africa for coordinating efforts to save Nigeria's last Tropical High Forest (THF). As Chairman, Cross River State (CRS), Forestry Commission (2010-2015) he played a midwifery role for Nigeria's participation in UN-REDD+ programme with CRS as the pilot state. The state has capacity for carbon accounting (MRV, NCAA etc.). He is leading NGO Coalition for Environment (NGOCE) empower communities to conserve, restore and sustainably manage their forest, build their capacity in Community Biased Forest Biomass Monitoring (CBFBM), livelihood activities in agroforestry (Honey and bee keeping, mushroom farming etc.). Currently engaged in assignments to support Nigeria's continued participation in CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) and CRS's implementation of the REDD+ Investment Plan. He holds a B.Sc. and MBA.