Waste/ Circular Economy

Enhancement of Nigeria’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) 2021-2025

Project involved an AGDF partner

Climate change has become a serious wide-ranging issue that is currently hindering global growth and societal sustainability. Several measures have been undertaken to adapt and mitigate the resultant effects of climate change such as global warming through collabo- rations and initiatives by various governments and stakeholders-one of which is the 2015 Paris Agreement, which seeks to decrease global temperatures warming by reducing the amount of greenhouse gases (GHGs) released into the environment. The Nationally De- termined Contributions (NDC) play a huge role in ensuring that this agreement is im- plemented as it outlines national plans of member nations and steps which they intend to execute to reduce GHGs in various sectors. A periodic revision of the NDCs is also required to provide updates and review activities that have been carried out. The Cir- cular Economy (CE) is a strategy that propels a society towards generating no waste as all materials are maximally utilized in cyclic processes. It is intentionally designed and implemented to be incorporated in the production systems elongating the lifecycle of materials and phasing out the concept of ‘waste’ and this, in turn, leads to a reduction in GHG emissions and their impact on climate change.

This study was commissioned to analyze the impact of the CE in the waste management sector of Nigeria so that its outcome can be incorporated into the NDC revision 2021-2025. Its objectives included a review of the existing policies, regulations and projects in the country; an analysis of waste management projects highlighting the synergies and differ- ences between circular economy-related initiatives; collection, collation and validation of relevant data for waste emissions estimation; simulation of waste and emission reductions; and the development of a list of results to be considered for the NDC revision.

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  • Client: African Development Bank (AfDB)
  • Date: June 2021