SESA for Nigeria REDD+ Readiness

Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment for Nigeria REDD+ Readiness

Project involved an AGDF partner

Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+) is one of the international policy instruments and mechanism currently being developed with the goal of combating climate change by reducing the emissions of greenhouse gas caused by deforestation and degradation of the forests in developing countries.One of the targets in the implementation of REDD+ as a1 climate change mitigation programme is to ensure that REDD+ activities do not impose negative impacts on the people particularly the local communities. Moreover, REDD+ is to deliver on benefits beyond carbon and avoid potential risks to the environment and social well-being. REDD+ (“plus”) goes beyond deforestation and forest degradation and includes the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks.

The Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) is a tool that seeks to integrate social and environmental considerations into policymaking processes, leading to making REDD+ policies and programs more sustainable. It supports the design of the National REDD+ policy framework, including the National REDD+ Strategy. SESA is therefore essential for avoiding the negative impacts and enhancing the positive REDD+ benefits, especially regarding socioeconomic, cultural, and livelihood development gains, governance enhancements, and broader environmental or biodiversity benefits. SESA has the strategic objective of integrating social and environmental concerns into the policy-making process of REDD+. SESA is complemented by an Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF), leading to making REDD+ policies and programs more sustainable.

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  • Client: The World Bank
  • Date: 2019